Tai Ji Quan (tai chi chuan) in Brussels

If you are looking for genuine tai ji lessons, here we are.

We offer a complete taichi curriculum with 3 objectives:

  • Health
  • Spiritual
  • Martial art

The Teacher, Pierre, is able to demonstrate the real inside power taiji (taichi) should bring you.

His students can also express the real inside energy called Qi (Chi), pronounced: « Tshee ».

We give group taiji courses in Brussels and Louvain-La-Neuve (Brabant). We also teach within companies and private tuition.

Should you have any question on top of what you can find on this site, please feel free to contact me personally:

+32 495 17 22 04

Also, on Facetime, Telegram and Signal.

And by email: p i e r r e @ taichi.re (without spaces)

All the best,

taiji brussels, tai chi, bruxelles, brussels, brussel, lasne, qi, gong, meditation, taoiste, auderghem, oudergem, waterloo, rixensart, taichi enfant, entreprise, gestion du stress

Tai Ji Quan (tai chi chuan) in Brussels